To attain an efficient cost-effective and sustainable integrated road transport system responsive to the needs of society.
To provide a cost-effective and sustainable integrated road transport system to ensure accessibility, safety, and reliability for National Development.
Objectives of the Establishment of the Roads Department
Efficiently plan, develop and maintain the Road network in the Municipality
Reduce the average travel time on the roads in the Municipality
In collaboration with other departments, progressively reduce the walking and waiting time for public road transport in the Central Business District (CBD) and low income communities in the Municipality
Collaborate with other departments, ensure efficient traffic management systems and road safety
Efficiently manage road transport infrastructure, coordinate and integrate the operations of different transport modes in order to effectively move people and goods in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner in the Municipality
Develop and apply social, economic and environmental criteria for the selection of projects
Collaborate with other departments, progressively improve environmental conditions along roads in the Municipality
Collaborate with other institutions involved in education and enforcement, to reduce the number and severity of road accidents in the Municipality
Progressively improve the proportion of road network in good condition in the Municipality
Collaborate with the regional Roads Departments and other road Agencies in the Management of the road network in the Municipality
The Urban Roads Department of the Asante Akim North Municipal Assembly is responsible for:
The Roads Department shall;
Advise the MMA on the formulation and implementation of Road Policy in the MMA;
Collect data for planning and development of roads and other related infrastructure in the MMA;
Design roads and related facilities within the roads network including traffic management and safety;
Construct roads and related facilities;
Establish and maintain a database on roads infrastructure in the MMA;
Provide for traffic planning, management and safety interventions;
Provide pedestrian and non-motorized facilities;
Carry out planned maintenance and management of roads and related facilities for the proper functioning of the Road Network e.g. Traffic signals, culverts, bridges etc.;
Facilitate the prioritization of road works and preparation of annual plans for road infrastructure works in the MMA;
Assist in the procurement of road works in accordance to the Public Procurement Law;
Prepare progress and annual reports on road works in the MMA;
Provide input into the preparation of budget for road related activities;
Monitor to ensure that funds from the Ghana Road Fund and other sources are used for the designated roads in line with approved guidelines and standards;
Assist in the evaluation of all road designs;
Facilitate capacity building of contractors and stakeholders in the MMA;
Register and maintain records of classified contractors and consultants in the road construction industry within the MMA; and
Carry out road safety audit and International Road Assessment Programme (irap).